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Digital Marketing for Manufacturers and Distributors

Manufacturers and distributors have long relied on phone calls, directory placements, brochures, or events to market their products. With digitally savvy customers now occupying the majority of B2B purchasing roles, and more recently, uncertainties posed by COVID-19, a digital marketing strategy is a necessity, not an option.
In this guide, you’ll understand where your business stands, how to develop a strategy based on your needs, some of the pitfalls to avoid, and what tools can help you along the way.
Digital Marketing for Manufacturers and Distributors
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Who is this guide for?

This whitepaper will help marketing leaders, managers, and team members understand and execute various marketing tactics to grow their business.

It will be useful for:

  • Marketing Executives and Managers
  • Digital Directors and ECommerce Leaders
  • C-Suite and Leadership Teams
  • Business Development Managers
  • Sales and Customer Success Teams
  • Customer-Facing Employees

Why download this guide?

The marketing landscape is constantly changing: B2B customers change preferences, adopt new purchasing habits, and new digital technologies to interact with businesses. A digital strategy is essential to acquiring customers, engaging with existing ones, and maintaining a competitive advantage in an increasingly uncertain business environment.

The difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing

Traditional marketing and digital marketing will likely coexist in the B2B business world for some time. We lay out the strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities of both to help you make the most of each method.

What marketing elements to keep in-house, and what to outsource

Your B2B marketing strategy will likely involve keeping some elements in-house while outsourcing others. Finding the ideal balance will maximize your value, profitability, and long-term success.

Understanding your brand, audience, and competition

Learning about your brand, competition, and who you’re marketing to is key to reaching your objectives. We’ll explore how to focus on the right data so you can maximize your resources later on.

How to develop a strategy based on your unique business needs

The next step is to develop a marketing strategy based on your business, customer expectations, and position in the market. We’ll go over various strategies that could work in different scenarios.

Common challenges to expect on your digital marketing journey

Expect to face many challenges and pitfalls along the way. Identifying these is half the battle - we’ll describe how to overcome various digital marketing hurdles without losing track of your goals.

Tools to track your metrics and discover how well you’re doing

No marketing strategy is complete without tracking your progress, and identifying where you can improve. We’ll examine some tools to help you analyze your efforts and make the best decisions.

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